Alternative Protection
Here we are offering old superstitions, folk remedies and different ways to protect yourself on either, ghost hunt expeditions, or in your own home.
We do not vouch for the validity of any of the protection suggestions having basis in scientific fact, or actually working - We offer them here purely for entertainment value and will not be held responsible for any resulting outcome, whether good or bad.
We have only tested a few for ourselves and our outcomes have no scientific basis, just entertainment value, as we cannot get a ghost into a laboratory to see if this stuff actually works!
When you go to bed at night, set out the shoes you'll wear in the morning. Place them at the foot of your bed, on the floor, with one shoe pointing one way, and the other shoe pointing the opposite way. According to folklore, the ghosts get so confused by this they leave after a few nights.
Garlic: is a tried-and-true repellent for unpleasant spirits of all kinds. Hang one clove in each doorway and window where you need protection. A clove in your pocket can also be a good idea.
Also used to keep Vampires (and some women) away
Wearing it, or even carrying a piece of this unusually heavy black stone, will absorb evil energy. This won't get rid of the ghost, just the negative effects of it.
For more info on other Crystals with potential benefits please visit the links below:
Convex Mirrors: can be purchased from automotive stores. Use one for each haunted room. You'll need extra mirrors if your windows in the haunted room face more than one direction. For example, if your windows face North and East, you'll need two convex mirrors. You'll also need an extra convex mirror if your computer or TV is in a haunted room, and your back is to the door when you're looking at them. Select one window in a haunted room. Place the mirror discreetly in a corner, preferably behind a curtain. The mirror should face towards the outside of the house. When a ghost approaches your window from the outside, he sees his own distorted reflection and goes away. In haunted rooms where you sit with your back to the door, place the mirror so that you will see anyone (or anything) entering the room, without turning your head.
Flat Mirrors: Buy one for each room that is haunted. Place the mirror at eye level, inside the room that is haunted, against the door. The shiny side of the mirror should face the door itself, not you. Supposedly, the ghost looks through the door and sees his reflection in the mirror. This scares him away.
Grain Counting
Sand, rice, split peas, etc.: Randomly toss rice, split peas, sand, salt, coffee beans or grounds, or anything small and granular, on your kitchen floor when you go to bed at night (if that's when the ghosts are most bothersome). According to folklore, the ghosts will pause to count the grains. They aren't very good at counting, so they have to start over again, repeatedly, or they forget the numbers.
One variation of this is to hang a vial or tube of sand in the window of any haunted room. Like the grains of rice on the kitchen floor, any entering ghost has to pause to count the sand granules. After a few nights, the ghost will give up and haunt somewhere else.
Salt has to be the best known of all the protective minerals - it is used by wiccans, pagans and many other spiritualists to cleanse and protect themselves, and their abodes.
According to legend, ghosts cannot cross a line of blessed salt, so you can use it to keep a ghost in a particular area, or create a circle of protection. Some people like to have their salt blessed too.
Sea Salt: According to legend, ghosts cannot cross a line of blessed salt, so you can use it to keep a ghost in a particular area, or create a circle of protection. Some people like to have their salt blessed too.
Space Clearing
Sage, Salt, Crystal and Incense
Sage sticks or incense can be used to clear the energy in houses - it is best to open all the doors and windows of the house, light the stick, and slowly go from room to room.
Take the stick into corners of rooms where energy builds up or becomes stagnant, in cupboards - anywhere and everywhere really...
Bells also work in the same manner, as do Tibetan singing bowls (which can be purchased cheaply from Ebay)
A little more info about Bells:
Really not sure on the history of this one - guess it would have to be from wherever hazelnuts originated from? (I wonder if nutella works too?)
Hazelnuts have been used for protection since ancient times. Have a string of hazelnuts at every doorway into your house. You may want to bless the string in a ritual suited to your own religious beliefs, or have your local priest bless it.
Herb Pouches
If you believe in folk magic, create a small pouch with several protection herbs in it. This could include- Five-Finger grass, cinnamon, and Echinacea. Along the same lines,
If you believe in folk magic, create a small pouch with several protection herbs in it. This could include- Five-Finger grass, cinnamon, and Echinacea.
Eidolon Paranormal Provides this information of "Alternative Protection" with no gaurentee's that any of its properties work in the manner written or supplied - all information contained here is sourced from "Old Wives Tales", "Medieval sources" and "superstitious belief"