Aradale Lunatic Asylum

Early in 2014 Allen and Karen headed to Ararat in Victoria for the "Horror Writers and Ghost Hunting Retreat" hosted by Cohesion Press and Proof Reading at the abandoned Aradale Lunatic Asylum - featuring workshops with Horror Writer Kaaron Warren
We stayed over two nights at the Asylum and met up with most of the team from Australian Paranormal Society, and Australian Ghost Adventures.
On Friday Night we went on a 7 hour tour with Nathaniel, owner of Australian Ghost Adventures, then did a little investigating for ourselves in the old acomodation wing, Mens Ward, Morgue and labotomy rooms.
Saturday it was investigating between writing workshops and food - and staying out of the heat - it was hot hot hot!
Saturday night was pure ghost hunting fun with Australian Paranormal Society and Jamie from Australian Ghost Adventures.
We investigated the Mens Wards, Female Ward, Morgue, Church, The Nurses accomodation section and everywhere in between!
We had a great time, and made some great new freinds!
More will be added to this page when we have the time, as there is a ton of information, photos and videos to process before adding it for public consumption!