As In Life, As In Death
Allen Tiller
“David was a grumpy old man, he'd spent 40 years working in poor conditions in a factory for minimum wage, spent his life living in public housing, never being able to afford a house of his own. His children had grown up with hand me down clothing as money was tight. This led to complications with his marriage, which ended in divorce.
Even as a young man, David was always in a bad mood, the world around him got him down. He got no happiness from sport, no satisfaction from work or family and eventually, died a miserable old coot with no friends...”

Linear Hauntings
Allen Tiller
Could the many sightings of ghosts in the one location actually be the appearance of the one entity?

Manifesting Spirits
Allen Tiller
Most of us have heard of "The Secret" and "Abraham Hicks and the law of attraction", the power of positive affirmations and envisioning what we want and need in life, and making it into a real, and physical object or situation. Many of us practice these beliefs daily, through prayer, positive thoughts, and positive actions, whether it be by wishing for the perfect car park, wishing for more money or praying for better health, for oneself, or another. We watch on Television when church groups use the power of prayer to heal the sick and frail, but does it work?
What if it does?

Eidolon Paranormal's Founder and CEO, Allen Tiller (you may have seen him on SYFY's " HAUNTING: AUSTRALIA" ) is a big believer in thinking about "perspective" and "possibilities". Allen believes paranormal investigators shouldn't just be "field agents", but also thinkers, discussers, educators and limit pushers.
Modern science doesn't have ALL the answers, there is still much un-explainable, and scientific consensus often changes as new speculations and theories emerge. Some theories also have opposing theories that are of equal scientific value to researchers...
Allen believes the possibilities are virtually endless in regards to speculations about Who, What, When, Where and Why? paranormal events, phenomena and hauntings occur. Allen also believes too many paranormal investigators are scared to share their real thoughts on the paranormal, because they worry what their peers, or the public might think, or the backlash from internet "trolls" or "paranormal bullies" looking to ridicule, or belittle, without giving any real constructive criticism or argument to a theory (speculation) presented.
Below are a few of Allen's own theories, or possibilities - please feel free to give them some thought, discuss them among your investigation team or peers, and question if they fit with what you know have learned about paranormal experiences around the world.
You can email Allen at eidolon@live.com.au if you have something to offer about the theories, or wish to offer your own - but remember - don't be an asshole ;)