Kapunda Kandy Mine
78 main street, The home of the Kapunda Kandy Mine, first began its life as a butchers shop in 1855, when Captain Nathaniel Hawke and Joseph Tuckfield (sometimes known as Tuckerfield) opened a butchers shop on the site.
The shop was a single story building that stood alongside the very grand "Lord Palmerston Hotel", the rear of which was used by Sir Sidney Kidman and Mr Dutton for the sale of livestock and horses
Mr Tuckfield eventually sold the shop to Mr Nation who had moved to Kapunda with his family in 1878. The Nation family were very successful, Alfred Gillard Nation Junior often hand delivered butchered meat to the mine Captains hut at the nearby mines. A.G.Nation Junior, when of age, also went into the family business and became the owner of the family shop after his fathers retirement in late 1899, Mr Nation Junior did very well and in approximately 1912, demolished the old single story shop and built a two story home and shop front on the site, which is the grand old building we see today.
In 1925, Mr A.G.Nation Jr. sold the family business and moved to Adelaide. He sold almost everything he owned at auction. The shop was purchased by Mr. H Cunningham, who also ran a butchering business from the shop.
Herbert Harold Cunningham ran the family business until his death in 1943, the business then passed on to his son Robert Harold Cunningham.
At some point during the 1950's the building was bought by the District Council of Kapunda, during this time Mr T. J. H. Schrapel (who was elected as Chairman of the district council for 17 years) resided here. Then, up until the purchase by council of a more suitable building, Mr Davidson, the District Town Clerk resided here (Mr Davidson's residence began approximately 1962)
The district Council later sold the building to Mr Masters, who ran a very successful Bakery business in the town, so successful he opened a second bakery in town, of which still operates in its original premises further north up the main street. It is noted that the major employers in the town in the late 60's early 70's were Hawkes, Johnsons, Poysden Motors and Masters Bakeries, which between all of them hired about 75 people.
In more recent times the shop front has been used as an Antique store, A.J. Salmon Computers, Leading Edge Computers and as a private residence.
The following are excerpts from local newspapers, diaries and journals:
Mr. Tuckfield and Captain Hawke
Wednesday 6 June 1917
The Advertiser
Mr. Joseph Tuckfield, who died at Kapunda on Sunday, was a well-known pioneer colonist, having arrived in. the State with his father, the late Captain W, Tuckfield, in the ship Royal Admiral in 1838. After a short time spent in Adelaide the family took up land at the Meadows, but shortly afterwards removed to Kapunda, where Mr. Tuckfield's father was underground manager of the old Kapunda mine. Mr. J. Tuckfield went into 'business as a Butcher in partnership with the late Captain Nathaniel Hawke in 1862 at the site of the building now occupied by Mr. Nation in Main-street. In those days the butchers of Kapunda, all of whom were good sportsmen and at home with horses and the gun, used to go out kangarooing in the Murray Flats, and Messrs. Tuckfield, Hawke, John Moyle, John Muller, and J. W. Daw always returned with plenty of tails. In 1877 Mrs. Tuckfield died, and the old pioneer went farming in Baldina until 1892, when he returned to Kapunda and farmed for a while near Bagot's Well. Of late years he had resided in Kapunda, he was a foundation member of the I.O.O.F. and an original member of the Kapunda Town Council and Agricultural Society. He was a great upholder of the early volunteer movement, being a member of No. 3 Kapunda Company and captain in the Kapunda Rifles. He was one of the best marksmen in the district, and up until a few days before his death eagerly asked the news of the great war struggle now going on, in which two of his grand sons, two nephews, and 12 grandnephews are engaged. His character was. Of the highest, and his word was his bond. Of late years his health failed, and it was nothing but his wonderful vitality that brought him to the ago of 86. Out of his large family only four survive him, viz., the Misses Tuckfield, of, Kapunda, and Messrs. P. Tuckfield (W.A.) and F. C. Tuckfield (Melbourne). '
The Nation Family
Wednesday 9 August 1916
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931)
Illegal Sheep Killing
Kapunda August 8.-As Mr. -A. G. Nation, Butcher Of Kapunda was returning from the River Light on Monday afternoon he noticed a sheep lying just inside the fence on Mr. G.H. Shakeshafts property. Its throat had just been cut. Evidently the evildoers were disturbed by his arrival, and had time to efface themselves behind the acacia hedges or elsewhere. A black tracker arrived this morning, and the tracks will be followed up. Whether the fact that two horses belonging to Messrs. O'Callaghan were missing this morning, and evidently stolen has any bearing on the matter remains to be seen. This is not the first time, sheep have been lost by sheep owners in the vicinity of the town.
Excerpt from “The Advertiser”
Wednesday 5 August 1914
“An inspector of the board reported that he had taken legal proceedings against Alfred Gillard Nation, Butcher of Kapunda, for breaches of the Health Act. 1833. In connection with the insanitary conditions of his slaughtering premises he was fined £5 and costs, £3 15/ in all, and for permitting swine to feed on offal he was fined £2 and costs, £5 15 in all. A report was before the board on an inspection of certain slaughterhouses in the district of Kapunda. This showed that the notices served on a previous inspection had been complied with, and that the slaughterhouses were in a satisfactory condition”
Saturday 26 September 1925
South Australian register
Kapunda: September 24. Mr. A. G. Nation, who has conducted a butchering business in Kapunda for many years, has sold out, and in future will reside in the city. Mr. Nation has been associated with this town since 1878, when as a boy he came here with his parents, The mine was working, and Mr. Nation remembers delivering meat In a basket, at the mine managers house. In 1899 Mr. Nation and his brother took over the business from their father but four years later his brother was attracted to Western Australian Goldfields, and Mr. A. G. Nation carried on the business. Fourteen years ago he built fine new premises in Main street. During his experience as a butcher, Mr. Nation has seen sheep, off shears, sold as low as 9d. per head, and as high as £3 10,'. His experience In fat cattle ranges from, £2 10/ to £35. Mr. Nation was farewelled at the institute by representative townsmen, and presented with a travelling rug
Thursday 27 May 1920
Mrs A.G, Nation
Mrs. A. G. Nation, who died recently at Croydon, was 74 years of age. and had lived in South Australia for 55 years. Her maiden name was Mallon, and she was born in County Tyrone, Ireland. Three years after her arrival in this province she was married to Mr Alfred G. Nation, and subsequently accompanied her husband to Kapunda, where Mr. Nation conducted a butchering business until 12 years ago, when he retired and went to reside at Croydon. Besides the widower, the surviving family comprise a son Mr. A. G. Nation, junior.(Kapunda) and four daughters - Miss Mary, Hettie, Lina, and Lizzie Nation
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929)
Friday 12 November 1920
Nation: On the 10th of November, at the private Hospital, North Adelaide, Alfred Gillard Nation (senior), Of Princess Street, Croydon, aged 76 years
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 – 1954)
Thursday 16 September 1937
THANK his many friends for their kind sympathy in the loss of a dear brother and father.
Mr Nation was buried at Cheltenham Cemetery
The Cunningham Family
Thursday – The Advertiser
17 March 1938
Butchers Leg Broken
Kapunda March 15.
Mr. Charlie Daw. A butcher in the employ of Mr. H. Cunningham, slipped on some steps leading from the rear of the premises to the main shop. And fell heavily. He was taken to the Kapunda Hospital, where it was found that he had broken the ankle of his right leg.
Thursday 10 June 1943
Kapunda: Mr. Herbert Harold Cunningham 59, who died suddenly at Kapunda was born at Smithfield. Much of his life was spent here in a butchering business He leaves a widow, one son, and four daughters.
Tuesday 5 October 1948
WANTED butcher, good all-round man. Reply R. H. Cunningham Kapunda. Phone 85.
Thursday 12 January 1950
R. H CUNNINGHAM, BUTCHER. Kapunda. will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my .name without my written authority, on or after January 12, 1950
Friday 27 April 1951
The Advertiser
Harold Cunningham 46, butcher, of Kapunda, was charged with four offences under the Road Traffic Act yesterday Cunningham, who was represented by Mr. E. W. Mills, was charged with having— About S p.m. on April 7. at Anzac Highway, Plympton failed to stop soon as practicable after a collision with a motor car: and had an in effective hand brake on his motor utility: and At 6.50 p.m. in Grote street, city, driven his utility while so much under The Influence of intoxicating liquor as to be Incapable of exercising effective control: and driven without due care. He admitted the first two counts but denied the third and fourth. On the first count he was fined £3. with 3/9 costs, and on the second he was ordered to pay £2. with 3/9 costs. In addition to being suspended from holding a driver's licence for 12 months the defendant was fined £30, with £5 costs, on the third count. The fourth charge was dismissed. APP Milner said that the defendant was concerned in a collision with another motorist and he failed to stop. Nobody was injured. Both vehicles were slightly damaged. That matter was reported to the police and the defendant's car was later seen in front of a city hotel. Constable Rayson waited near the car and later saw the defendant being assisted to the driving seat of the utility. The police officer ran up and stopped the defendant who was reversing the vehicle from the gutter. He was then arrested. Taxation Breaches Cost £27
Our Research continues into this location and its people, if you have lived in this building, or operated a business from this premises, have any photos of people mentioned here or of the shop itself, please contact us at Eidolon@live.com.au
Eidolon Paranormal was asked to investigate the Kapunda Kandy Mine after the owners had a number of paranormal events happen within the shop and in their private residence.
After re-staining the wooden floors,footprints appeared in the stain the next day, in only one direction, leaving the basement towards an exit, the shop was closed and locked, and no-one had been in there.
The sounds of someone walking through the top story of the house when the family is downstairs is also common, as well as shadows being seen in the hallway and near the ornate staircase.
We went and looked at the premises a week before the investigation to gauge how and which parts of the house we investigate. We then began our research.
Researching a location like this is often difficult, but, if you are planning on investigating somewhere yourself, it is an essential part of preparing for your upcoming investigation. Going in and only relying on witnessing some kind of phenomena is pointless without knowing the history of the people, the place or events that happened at a location. research could well explain why, or how a phenomena is occurring, natural or paranormal!
The Investigation
We started this investigation with high hopes for evidence. The current owners have reported disembodied footsteps in the house, foot prints in the shop, stock being moved from a counter onto a table and other paranormal phenomena.
We inspected the bag of lollies that had been lifted across the room and deducted that whomever, or whatever, had moved them to the table had done so with enough force to burst smaller lolly bags inside the larger bag, and also break hard candy into pieces.
We inspected the premises, measuring for EMF and logging all reflective surfaces and other items that may cause problems for our equipment.
We then recorded an experiment with some old coins, asking the spirits to move the coins on our piece of paper, we had no luck with this.
We also recorded a number of EVP sessions of which the results of we are not totally convinced are paranormal in nature - however, we are still listening too them for further clarification.
Recently more activity has been reported by the owners - we are hoping this activity will be caught on CCTV and can be shared with the general public.
Does Eidolon Paranormal believe this location to be haunted?
Evidence suggests that the Kapunda Kandy Mine is experiencing paranormal phenomena!
The History of Kapunda – Rob Charlton
Kapunda historical society pamphlets
We would also like to thank local author, historian and all round good bloke, Mr Peter Swann for all his help with our research.
We would also like to thank the friendly staff at the Kapunda Information centre.
Thanks also to the Townsfolk who have provided leads, stories and other information