Allen Tiller's Media Credits
2009 - 2014

Haunting: Australia in "Choice" Magazine - UK

Haunting:Australia recently aired in Sweden on Sjuan7

Recently Allens team "Eidolon Paranormal" was invited to investigate the Buntip Newspaper offices in Gawler by Lyon Paranormal, a well known local and respected South Australian team.
Allen and Karen appeared on Triple B Fm 89.1 in The Barossa Valley on Bommer Roy's Morning show - 18th-June- 2014
Allen and David from Ghost Crime tours appeared on Coast Fm 89.7 in Adelaide on the Roy Garreffa show - 9 - June - 2014
Ghost Crime Tours Presents: Allen Tiller - The Barossa Herald - 30th May 2014
Haunting:Australia - Airing on Canada's "Travel + Escape" channel
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape – Woodford Academy - May 30th - 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape – Geelong Gaol - May 31st 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape – Aradale Lunatic Asylum - June 6th 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape - Gledswood Homestead - June 7th 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape – Adelaide Arcade - June 13th 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape – Australiana Pioneer Village - June 14th 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape - North Kapunda Hotel - June 23rd 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Travel + Escape – Cockatoo Island (finale) June 24th 2014

Click The City.com - Haunting:Australia on thrill - Friday May 9th 2014 - STORY
Haunting: Australia: Thrill TV airing through Asia: Hong Kong, The Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore & ThailandThrill is on Skycable channel 73, Cablelink channel 49, Destiny Cable channel 11.
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV – Woodford Academy - May 14th - 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV – Geelong Gaol - May 19th 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV – Aradale Lunatic Asylum - May 21st 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV - Gledswood Homestead - May 21st 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV – Adelaide Arcade - May 26th 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV – Australiana Pioneer Village - May 28 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV - North Kapunda Hotel - May 28 2014
Haunting:Australia Series 1, Thrill TV – Cockatoo Island (finale) June 5th 2014
The Barossa Leader Newspaper - "Kapunda Haunting to be shown in Adelaide" Page 13 feature of Allen Tiller - 23rd April 2014
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Kix HDTV (Malaysia), Episode Eight “Cockatoo Island ” 25th March 2014
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Syfy Australia, Episode Eight “Cockatoo Island ” 24th March 2014
Australia’s Most Terrifying and Haunted Places: South Australia – Grapevines and Ghosties - “This Is Horror” - March 21st http://www.thisishorror.co.uk/haunted-south-australia/
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Kix HDTV (Malaysia), Episode Seven “The North Kapunda Hotel ” - 18th March
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Syfy Australia, Episode Seven “The North Kapunda Hotel ” - 17th March
“Haunting: Australia in Kapunda and Barossa" – The Barossa Herald - 13th March
- http://www.barossaherald.com.au/story/2147971/haunting-australia-in-barossa-and-kapunda
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Kix HDTV (Malaysia), Episode Six “Australiana Pioneer Village ” - 11th March
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Syfy Australia, Episode Six “Australiana Pioneer Village ” - 10th March
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Kix HDTV (Malaysia), Episode Five “Adelaide Arcade ” - 4th March
Haunting: Australia, Season One, Syfy Australia, Episode Five “Adelaide Arcade ” - 3rd March
Haunting: Australia – Gledswood Homestead, Episode Four, KIX HD (Astro CH 729) Mayalsia - 25th Feb
Haunting: Australia – Gledswood Homestead, Episode Four, Syfy Australia - 24th Feb
Haunting: Australia – Aradale Lunatic Asylum, Episode Three, KIX HD (Astro CH 729) Mayalsia - 18th Feb
Haunting: Australia – Aradale Lunatic Asylum, Episode Three, Syfy Australia - 17th Feb
Haunting: Australia – Geelong Gaol, Episode Two, KIX HD (Astro CH 729)Mayalsia - 11th Feb
Haunting: Australia – Geelong Gaol, Episode Two, Syfy Australia - 10th Feb
Riverland Sun, Newspaper article, Overland Corner Hotel, Wakerie, South Australia, 5th February
Haunting: Australia, Season One Premier, Kix HDTV (Malaysia), Episode One “Woodford Academy ” 4th February 2014
Haunting: Australia, Season One Premier, Syfy Australia, Episode One “Woodford Academy ” 3rd February 2014
The Telegraph News, NSW, Haunting: Australia Feature, Australia, 3rd February
The Sunday Mail, South Australia, Haunting: Australia Feature, Australia, 2nd February
The Herald Sun, NSW Haunting: Australia Interview, Australia, 2nd February
Sydney Morning Herald, NSW – Haunting: Australia blurb, Australia 2nd February 2014
The Daily Telegraph , NSW, Haunting: Australia Interview., Australia, 1st February
Sunrise Breakfast TV Show, Hauinting: Australia Interview, Australia, 31st January
The Project TV Show, Haunting: Australia Interview, Australia, 30th January
Foxtel Magazine, Haunting: Australia Interview, 24th January
TV Tonight, Haunting: Australia Feature, Australia, 24th January
Syfy Australia Website, Haunting: Australia Feature, Australia, 21st Januarywww.syfy.com.
Syfy Australia Website, Meet the Team Feature, Australia, 21st Januarywww.syfy.com.au

November 19th 2013
Interview with Allen Tiller on the renee Richards Show
Psychic Medium Renee Richards a FEATURED host here on blogtalk radio, and FEATURED on "The Best Psychic Directory" If your looking for validation this is the show for you. Renee is a Psychic Medium with excellent skills of hearing and seeing spirit join Renee for a fun filled time of readings from the other side. www.psychicmediumreneerichards.com
November 15th, 2013
UKTV, “TV-Wise” “ UKTV’s Really Channel Boards SF’s ‘Haunting: Australia’, UK, November 15th, 2013
Haunting: Australia, Production Filming - 1st August - 9th September, Australia
Haunting:Australia Media Reveal, Australia, 4th of July – Australia

13th May 2013
Allen is intereviewed by Kellie Ann, co-founder of PIRS (Paranormal Investigation & Research Society) based in Wisonson USA
Interview can be found via this link:
April 10th - Allen and his Wife Karen featured in an article titled "People i've Met" about their Paranormal Investigations in the Kapunda and Barossa Valley Regions. The story was published in The Leader Newspaper, Barossa Valley

Allen Featured in an Episode of current affairs program "Today Tonight" that aired on 8/2/2011
The episode featured Allen and His team as they presented a spooky historical tour through St Johns Cemetery in Kapunda.
May 2nd
Allen Tiller gets interview published in local newspaper,
"The Eastern Courier"
Allen was interviewed on April 24th for a story about "Schneider's Alley", a location the Eidolon Paranormal team has been investigating since 2009.
This is Eidolon Paranormal's first print story in 5 years of being a publicly known entity researching the paranormal.
You can read the story here:

Allen was interviewed live on air for episode two of "Great Southern Stand" with Steve Parker, discussing paranormal topics