Allen Tiller
Media Appearances 2015
For Media Appearances 2009 - 2014
click HERE

Contact Allen for a speaking engagement or interview at

Psychic TV - Special Guest Appearence - Jan 15th 2015
Jan 26 - Presenter - The Afterlife Explorers Conference - Parramatta NSW

11th Feb - The Barossa Herald Newspaper - "Allens Book lifts the veil on ghost stories" - South Australia - link

On Feb 13th 2015 - Allen launch the Australia release of his 1st book
"The Haunts of Adelaide - History, Mystery and the Paranormal" at Dymocks Rundle Mall - Adelaide
Haunting: Australia on Free To Air TV channel 74 4ME in conjunction with Psychic TV
Ep 1: Woodford Academy - 4ME - Australia - Feb 17th
Ep 2: Old Geelong Gaol - 4ME - Australia - Feb 24th
Ep 3: Aradale Lunatic Asylum - 4ME - March 3rd
Ep 4: Gledswood Homestead - 4ME - March 10th
Ep 5: Adelaide Arcade - 4ME - March 16th
Ep 6: Australiana Pioneer Village - 4ME - March 23rd
Ep 7: North Kapunda Hotel - 4ME - March 31st
Ep 8: Cockatoo Island - 4ME - April 6th

Announcements of Haunting:Australia airing in USA on Syfy
6 Feb 2015 - Broadcasting & Cable - "Syfy Acquires Haunting:Australia"
6 Feb 2015 - Variety Magazine - "Syfy Acquires Unscripted Paranormal Series Haunting:Australia" - link
6 Feb - Dread Central - "Syfy searches for ghosts downunder" - USA
6 March - Examiner - "Syfy Acquires downunder ghost hunting show" - USA
7th Feb - Phillipines Times, "Tv show airing in USA" - The Phillipines
7th Feb - Eclipse Magazine - "Haunting Australia airing on 4ME - Australia
9 Feb - C21Media - "Syfy US hunts ghosts down under" - link
3 March - The Futon Critic -" Syfy 2015 line up" - link
3rd March - Coming Soon Magazine - "syfy Spring Announcements" - USA - link
9 March - Spike TV - "Syfy Premieres" - link
11th March - Supernatural Magazine - Haunting Australia team feature - Global release
Haunting: Australia SYFY USA broadcast dates
Woodford Academy - March 24th 2015
Old Geelong Gaol - March 31st - 2015
Aradale Lunatic Asylum - April 7th - 2015
Gledwood Homestead - April 14th 2015
Adelaide Arcade - April 21st 2015
Australiana Pioneer Village - April 28th - 2015
North Kapunda Hotel - May 5th - 2015
Cockatoo Island - May 12th - 2015

Newspaper Article - The Daily Mail - Ghost hunters capture eerie image of young girl kneeling on the floor of an asylum - Published March 15th 2015 : LINK
Internet Article: Blitz Qoutidiano - Italy - Published March 15th - link
Internet Article - Chinese Times - Published March 16th - link
Internet Article - Nova919 - Published March 17th - Link
Internet Article - Journel De Montreal - Canada - Published March 17th - link
Internet Article - TCCZ - Czechoslovakia - Published March 17th - Link
Internet Article - Madata -Greece - Published March 17th - link
Internet Article - Vanilla Magazine - Published 1st April - link
Internet Article - Movie Pilot - Published April 2nd - link
Radio Appearence: ABC Riverland - Mornings with Narelle Graham - Radio Interview - April 22 2015

Allen & Karen appeared in the Yorke Peninsula Country Times Newspaper
8-4-2015 & 12th May 2015
Both stories were about the Cornucopia Hotel paranormal investigations alongside David Hogg and Darren Bacchus from Ghost Crime Tours.
The 2nd story also involved psychics Darrell & Sherree Whitfield and the Northern Psychic Fair.
Allen Tiller appears on " The Aussie Radio Show" in the USA with Neill Bartlett - 7-May-2015
Listen online HERE: Aussie Radio Show
Appearance at Wallaroo
Allen & Karen Tiller with David Hogg and Darren Bacchus of Ghost Crime Tours made a personal appearence at the Cornucopia Hotel in Wallaroo including a Q&A session about ghosts on the Copper Coast in June 2015

Chapel Street Theatre Funderaiser - Kapunda - July 4th 2015
Allen & Karen Tiller teamed up with David Hogg and Darren Bacchus of Ghost Crime Tours to help raise funds for the Kapunda Muscial Society by premiering a documentary filmed in the Chapel Street Theatre
MEGAscene - Issue 1 "South Australian Paranormal" written by Allen Tiller
Haunting: Australia re-airing in the UK on Really TV - Thursdays through July and August
"Who Is Kitty?'" - By Amy Moran - Gaurdian Messenger - October 26th
"Who is Kitty" - By Amy Moran - AdelaideNow.com - October 26th
"Who Is Kitty" - By Amy Moran - News.com.au - October 26th
Halloween Special - The Advertiser: Adelaide - October 28th
Halloween Special - The Australian Newspaper - October 28th
MEGAscene Issue 2: Kapunda: Australia's Most Haunted Town - written by Allen Tiller
MEGAscene Issue 3: Old Adelaide Gaol - written by Allen Tiller
Link: http://issuu.com/risingstarmedia/docs/megascene_issue_2
Aussie Radio Show Christmas Edition 2015
LISTEN: http://www.buzzsprout.com/29644/334511
17 Best Ghost Pictures of 2015
Dec 29th 2015 - http://paranormal.about.com/od/ghostphotos/fl/17-Best-Ghost-Pictures-and-Video-of-2015.htm