What people are saying about;
"The Haunts of Adelaide"
“Fantastic book by a knowledgeable fantastic author!!” – Debra
“It's an awesome read I cannot put it down. The book is a credit to you.” – David – Chasing Ghosts Investigation Group
“A great book by a man of Adelaide and has seen this place secrets impressive stories” – Matt

The Haunts of Adelaide - History, Mystery, and the Paranormal: Revised Edition
The Haunts of Adelaide: History, Mystery, and the Paranormal: Revised Edition has reached number 3 in ‘Historical Geography’, No. 2 in ‘Ghosts & Hauntings’ and No 4. In ‘Supernaturalisation’ on Amazon.com
LARGE PRINT Edition: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08JJZ3BXB
The Haunts of Adelaide: History, Mystery, and the Paranormal is researched and written by award-winning historian, Allen Tiller.
PAPERBACK BOOK: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08JLQLLC5/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&qid=1600728351&refinements=p_27%3AAllen+Tiller&s=books&sr=1-4&text=Allen+Tiller
This second edition of The Haunts of Adelaide has been completely rewritten with extra historical facts, footnoting, an index, more photos, and most importantly, more ghost stories!
Join Allen Tiller, one of Australia’s leading paranormal historian’s, as he documents some of Adelaide’s most haunted locations and the history behind the buildings, the people, the urban legends and the ghosts that haunt Adelaide and its suburbs, in this completely revised and rewritten edition.
Inside you will discover the ghosts that dwelled at Graham’s Castle, Younghusband Mansion, The Adelaide Arcade and Waterfall Gully. Find out the truth behind Schneider’s Alley and the read about the tiger of the Union Hotel!
Get spooked with 30 stories from the other side: The Haunts of Adelaide: History, Mystery, and the Paranormal: REVISED EDITION
Allen Tiller was the recipient of the History Council of South Australia’s ‘Emerging Historian of the Year Award 2017’.
Allen Tiller has also featured on paranormal reality television show Haunting: Australia, and is a respected historian, paranormal researcher, author, poet, and the founder of Eidolon Paranormal, S.A. Paranormal, and The Haunts of Adelaide.
#HauntedAdelaide #ghosts #paranormal #allentiller #history #thehauntsofAdelaide #mystery
The Haunts of Adelaide Book Signing - Dymocks - Rundle Mall Adelaide - 13-3-2015

Robb Demarest and Allen Tiller at Adelaide Arcade during the the very first paranormal investigation to ever be undertaken at the arcade in 2013