Paranormal Historian In Residence
Allen Tiller, Australia’s most recognised paranormal investigator and star of the international smash hit television show Haunting: Australia, founder of Eidolon Paranormal, South Australian Paranormal and the author of book and blog, “The Haunts of Adelaide” will be working in conjunction with the Adelaide City Council Libraries to present the world’s first Paranormal History Residency. Allen has over ten years’ experience researching and investigating the paranormal and has been recognised for his historical research by the National Library of Australia’s PANDORA Archives.
Starting in February, Allen will be in residence on a weekly basis at the City and Tynte Street Libraries undertaking research, documentation and oral history recordings for the History Hub project “Haunted Buildings In Adelaide”.
Visit Allen at the library and explore the history of Adelaide buildings you suspect are haunted. Allen will be collecting information, documenting stories and researching the history of Adelaide’s iconic hauntings such as Francis Cluney at the Adelaide Arcade. In May, at the end of the residency, Allen will be presenting his findings and research in a one hour presentation. This research will become part of the Adelaide City Libraries History Hub and be accessible to the public and others interested in paranormal research, investigation and the history of Adelaide buildings.
For City Library (Rundle Mall)
For North Adelaide Library (Tynte Street)
Read about Allen's World First residency on Adelaide Now