A collection of Videos featuring Allen Tiller
Introducing Allen Tiller
A segment from Haunting:Australia on Syfy
Allen Tiller speaking about ghosts in North Adelaide for the SA history Festival 2016.
Part of the "Haunted Buildings in Adelaide" Project with the Adelaide City Council
Aradale Lunatic Asylum - Writers & Ghost Hunting retreat 2014
This Is A Cemetery
Classic poem as read by Allen Tiller
Episode 2- Geelong Gaol Syfy Promo
Ghosts of the Port:
Port Adelaide Visitor Info Centre
Kadina Werewolf
Haunting: Australia
Syfy (Extended) Sneak Preview
KIXTV: Malaysia Promo
Ghosts of the Port:
Port Adelaide Lighthouse
Kapunda's Hidden Secrets:
St Johns Cemetery
Syfy Australia promotion​​
North Kapunda Hotel Episode Promo​​
Ghosts of the Port:
Port Adelaide Haunted Hotels
Magnetic Hill - South Australia
Eidolon Paranormal